"Save The Frogs Day is the world's largest day of amphibian education and conservation action," IGWRT's announces. In searching for some poetic inspiration, I got no further than the word which sits at the top of my 'poem' for today...To any serious scientists who take umbrage, my heartfelt apologies!
most primitive of frogs,
tiny by comparison
(so Mr Wiki logs)
with other leaping creatures
in ponds or streams or bogs.
Then I read about the origin
of our more modern frogs,
who are called Neobatrachia.
At this point, my mind boggles - I shall hide me 'neath a log,
and hope my brain cells will emerge from this Anura* fog - soon...
(*) Posh name for frog.
Let your imagination take flight as it pedals along with... well, whatever happens to catch my attention!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Quick As A Blink
IGWRT's Fireblossom transforms us into totem animals for her challenge, but showing versus telling is the hardest thing to do - not sure I'll ever get the hang of it, to order, but I fancied feeling owlish today, so here goes...
Day dazzles me;
my senses twist
in search of night,
whose mysteries turn my head,
listening for your scuttlings...
Are you already fleeing
towards deeper darkness,
overwhelmed by my menace?
Does fear beat the air like wings
as I rise on its lift of excitement?
Hunger takes control
and the hunt is on...
Day dazzles me;
my senses twist
in search of night,
whose mysteries turn my head,
listening for your scuttlings...
Are you already fleeing
towards deeper darkness,
overwhelmed by my menace?
Does fear beat the air like wings
as I rise on its lift of excitement?
Hunger takes control
and the hunt is on...
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Not Again!
Wouldn't you know it?
The second I put the shampoo on
somebody rings the bell!
I could wish that they were gone
straight to the gates of ...well,
somewhere else!
A detail from this week's Mag - a painting by Jamie Wyeth - for which inspiration, I thank him and Tess.
The second I put the shampoo on
somebody rings the bell!
I could wish that they were gone
straight to the gates of ...well,
somewhere else!
A detail from this week's Mag - a painting by Jamie Wyeth - for which inspiration, I thank him and Tess.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Friday Flash Fiction
The wind came, late last night. It blew against my window panes, making them creak. Shrieking at me, it told of spending fretful days, weeks, months, battling invisible elements circling the Earth: of being born and dying many times over, in many guises: of being at the mercy of cosmic forces beyond control of science...
In 55 words, for G-Man
In 55 words, for G-Man
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Boys Will Be Boys
Accusation and Explanation
"You did that!"
"No, I didn't!" the little boy replied.
"Yes you did, I saw you. Don't go away and hide
behind the cupboard in the hall - I saw you scribble on that wall!"
"But I was only 'tending my arms were air'plane wings,
and I was looping lots of loops, and other swoopy things.
An' then I seemed to notice I'd got crayons in each hand
an' squiggly lines had happened. None of it was planned
to end up on Mum's kitchen wall...I just don't understand!"
Theme Thursday's word 'Accusations' set me off on this flight of fancy! Hehehe! Sorry for the levity, folks...
"You did that!"
"No, I didn't!" the little boy replied.
"Yes you did, I saw you. Don't go away and hide
behind the cupboard in the hall - I saw you scribble on that wall!"
"But I was only 'tending my arms were air'plane wings,
and I was looping lots of loops, and other swoopy things.
An' then I seemed to notice I'd got crayons in each hand
an' squiggly lines had happened. None of it was planned
to end up on Mum's kitchen wall...I just don't understand!"
Theme Thursday's word 'Accusations' set me off on this flight of fancy! Hehehe! Sorry for the levity, folks...
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Pen's Pen
I take my pen
in hand. No matter what the day
I take my pen,
those inner urges
come again
to organise my thoughts to say,
"Whenever I feel need to play
I take my pen!"
Over at IGWRT's, Marion nudged us to jump to it and compose a rondelet. How could I resist? Even though I already posted my # 16 NaPoRiMo!
Over at IGWRT's, Marion nudged us to jump to it and compose a rondelet. How could I resist? Even though I already posted my # 16 NaPoRiMo!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
IGWRT's Mini Challenge
This challenge is from hedgewitch, who says;-
Because Sunday is normally the day for our mini-forms challenge, I'd love to challenge people to write from any one of Sorolla's paintings, employing their favorite of the many short forms we've been exposed to here at the Garden over the months: haiku, slijo, senryu, nonet, sevenling, triolet, cinquin, or any of the many others Kerry and others have shared with us. This is purely optional!
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Mother by Joaquin Sorolla |
wraps babe and mother;
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Lilac and Lavender
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Early Lilac Blooms by Kim Nelson |
Poem In Three Parts
Bouquet of flowers
enfolds me in soft embrace.
A meditation.
I breathe in scents of lilac and lavender,
light perfumes drifting in violet haze.
But dreams cluster round like fragile old ladies,
their shadow-ghost beings gentle relics of time,
while memories, frail as paper-thin tissue,
hover and whisper through the length of my days.
Maiden Aunt's
lavender and lace
a life lived
in quiet expectation,
minus surprises.
Her bouquet
speaks flower language
with no words.
Its beauty
engulfs both eyes and senses
in admiration.
Linked to Poets United, with thanks to Kim.
15 April 2013 I have found later edits of two of these, like so:-
Casualty of War
Her token
lavender and lace
a life lived
in quiet contemplation
of a secret admirer.
His bouquets
once used the language
of flowers
to show her,
by their bashful eloquence,
his love and admiration.
But the war
stole his life from him
and left her
with nothing
but memories, as fragile
and elusive as perfume...
The perfumed posy
enfolds us in its embrace.
A meditation.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Birthday Boy
Kerry, at IGWRT's, has asked us to celebrate the month of April, Wordsworth's birth month, and she asked that we start our offering with some of his lines of poetry. Here goes!
To Wordsworth, April and Nature
"Come forth into the light of things,
let Nature be your teacher."
To Wordsworth, April and Nature
"Come forth into the light of things,
let Nature be your teacher."
Use this
chance to be her friend;
make haste
to go and greet her!
celebrate the birthday month
of Mr
Wordsworth, William,
and honour
golden daffodils
that moved
him - in their millions!
in the raw can be
a harsh
and cruel lady,
but April,
dancing in with Spring,
is sunny,
warm - though shady,
if cloud-held
showers follow close
her flowered gown
as she
charms old Winter’s blues
her golden crown.
Perhaps throughout the day, or later, I may come back to add some more verses... but no promises...
Monday, February 18, 2013
It has taken me until today to attempt Fireblossom's Saturday challenge of writing free verse, an aspect of poetry I have never studied. I shall post it for IGWRT's Open Link Monday, instead, and pray for leniency from all who read. :-)
A Quiet War
Silence flails my ears,
beating my brain,
buffeting it with bullish bravado.
My senses need a shield
against his arrows of anger
as old wounds reopen
to bleed memories.
Love's life force ebbs
before a tide of antipathy
and swamps me with sadness
as history repeats
like a record stuck in a groove.
A Quiet War
Silence flails my ears,
beating my brain,
buffeting it with bullish bravado.
My senses need a shield
against his arrows of anger
as old wounds reopen
to bleed memories.
Love's life force ebbs
before a tide of antipathy
and swamps me with sadness
as history repeats
like a record stuck in a groove.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Work To Rule
Fireblossom is asking us to do just that today, over at IGWRTS, so how could I gainsay her? Pop over to read her rules and regulations for the game, and let the fun commence.
Here is my instant offering.
To write a poem in this way
is certainly a change,
so other chores in line today
I'll have to re-arrange.
take time to think!
abandon kitchen sink!
Take pen and paper right away,
get your grey cells working.
Ignore those silly folk who say
you are only shirking!
I have taken my own advice, and this is my fist poem in reply, but I may be tempted to come back with more, later in the day! Thanks, Fireblossom. I like a challenge to start the morning...
And now here's mark 2, where I've only paid attention to the syllable count, not set rhythms or rhymes.
See, in the loneliest of times,
how solace may arrive
from many unexpected sources?
One need but welcome it...
It's soft comfort
all levels of being.
Descending softly as darkness
cooling a parched country,
it can give us true contentment
if we only allow.
Does this make it 'free verse' do you think, or only 'syllabic verse'?
Here is my instant offering.
To write a poem in this way
is certainly a change,
so other chores in line today
I'll have to re-arrange.
take time to think!
abandon kitchen sink!
Take pen and paper right away,
get your grey cells working.
Ignore those silly folk who say
you are only shirking!
I have taken my own advice, and this is my fist poem in reply, but I may be tempted to come back with more, later in the day! Thanks, Fireblossom. I like a challenge to start the morning...
And now here's mark 2, where I've only paid attention to the syllable count, not set rhythms or rhymes.
See, in the loneliest of times,
how solace may arrive
from many unexpected sources?
One need but welcome it...
It's soft comfort
all levels of being.
Descending softly as darkness
cooling a parched country,
it can give us true contentment
if we only allow.
Does this make it 'free verse' do you think, or only 'syllabic verse'?
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Permission To Speak?
In sidewalks
of my secret mind
dreams entice,
seek your permission to speak,
to be understood.
My questions
flicker into life,
in the heat
of simple disapproval
which you radiate.
as a bulldozer.
this assaults
my feelings,
demolishes dignity
with biting silence.
And silence
clamps my every thought
and exacts
when no crimes were intended
from the very start...
Written for IGWRT's Wednesday prompt..
Friday, February 1, 2013
A Little Madness Goes A Long Way
I am not euphoric
at finding this word
so absurd
when I say it,
display it
on a page...
at its hard hitting
rhythm is what
is not
pleasing to my ear,
So pardon my straying
while saying
how I feel
for real?
"I hope laughter
will follow after
say I, pleading -
notwithstanding -
for understanding!
Written in a moment of madness after reading IGWRT's prompt today from Laurie Kolp.
I am not euphoric
at finding this word
so absurd
when I say it,
display it
on a page...
at its hard hitting
rhythm is what
is not
pleasing to my ear,
So pardon my straying
while saying
how I feel
for real?
"I hope laughter
will follow after
say I, pleading -
notwithstanding -
for understanding!
Written in a moment of madness after reading IGWRT's prompt today from Laurie Kolp.
Monday, January 21, 2013
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From Google Images ( photographer unknown) |
high lord of Winter
"I hold the key to Springtime;
I am still in charge."
icicle fingers
grip the land,
hold hostage
impatient plants and flowers.
"You will pay me heed!"
my supremacy,
my power
and my right
to rule at this time of year.
The season is mine!"
He blusters,
until the warm air
from his lungs
brings downfall,
as its heat beckons the Spring
to approach his realm.
Then anger,
like melt-water, fades,
and a truce
is achieved,
while the Earth spins on its course
and balance returns...
Written for IGWRT 's Open Link Monday
Saturday, January 5, 2013
All's Well That Ends Well
"Tingling!" of a bell summoned the maid
with her prim white apron, starched and staid,
as gown and bodice it overlayed.
"Open the window", the little girl said
"I need a breeze to cool my head
while I lie here in this rumpled bed."
" But what ails you, mistress mine,
on this day so fair and fine,
when all are greeting summertime?"
And she drew the curtains, swish and swish,
and opened the window, feeling churlish.
"What will such laziness accomplish?"
"For lazybones you are, I say!
You're no more sick than I this day;
let's get you up and out to play!"
And through the window beamed the Sun.
"Come follow me; we'll have some fun
You'll soon feel better, little one!"
His sunbeams danced across the floor.
"Well" said the maiden. "If you're sure.
I'll meet you soon, outside my door!"
Written for Mary over at IGWRT's
with her prim white apron, starched and staid,
as gown and bodice it overlayed.
"Open the window", the little girl said
"I need a breeze to cool my head
while I lie here in this rumpled bed."
" But what ails you, mistress mine,
on this day so fair and fine,
when all are greeting summertime?"
And she drew the curtains, swish and swish,
and opened the window, feeling churlish.
"What will such laziness accomplish?"
"For lazybones you are, I say!
You're no more sick than I this day;
let's get you up and out to play!"
And through the window beamed the Sun.
"Come follow me; we'll have some fun
You'll soon feel better, little one!"
His sunbeams danced across the floor.
"Well" said the maiden. "If you're sure.
I'll meet you soon, outside my door!"
Written for Mary over at IGWRT's
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Christmas Pastiche
The top third reminds me of bookshelves, with volumes arranged by colour, where you will be able to add all the new books Santa Claus will put in your stocking on the twenty fifth.
The centre section depicts two, clear weather patterns - ice and snow to the left, rain and mist to the right. I apologise for ignoring the fact that some parts of the world revel in sunshine at this time of the year, but many of us in the Northern Hemisphere are only gifted with these wintery options!
And the lower, third part? Well, greetings card to the left, and mulled red wine to the right! What more can I say? Have a good one, folks!
Friday, November 30, 2012
The Last Day Of November
And another chance to practice our counting skills for Mr Knowitall, otherwise known as G-Man, who rations us to a mere 55 words on a Friday, as his way of making sure we Bloggers do not become overly verbose!
Fat chance!
However, fifty five he says, and fifty five I have written, after peering out of my window this morning for inspiration...
Fat chance!
However, fifty five he says, and fifty five I have written, after peering out of my window this morning for inspiration...
Frost on grass this bright morning signals Winter has arrived. A smile of sunshine greets his presence, but warns him to take his time, not to be too hasty with bitter winds, ice and snow. For December has yet to take the lead and guide him towards the New Year, when the coldest months thrive.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
All New Perspective?
Sunday, November 18, 2012
A Good Night For Wreckers
There was none of the usual crisp cleanliness about the moonlight. It entered the coast-guard's cottage in the way that warm breath becomes visible on a cold night; a presence which comes from nowhere, hovers in the air like phosphorescence for a moment before it disperses and lets the blackness rule...
Outside, rising winds chased clouds which raced from their grasp like naughty children evading bed time. But there was no fun attached to their game. Instead, a sense of foreboding was tangible in the air that night.
Thanks go to Tess and Andrew Wyeth for their inspiration at Mag 144
Outside, rising winds chased clouds which raced from their grasp like naughty children evading bed time. But there was no fun attached to their game. Instead, a sense of foreboding was tangible in the air that night.
Thanks go to Tess and Andrew Wyeth for their inspiration at Mag 144
Monday, October 29, 2012
On hovering besom high in the sky,
with cloak and with hat, see her silhouette fly!
A familiar black cat perched on the handle,
ears all a-twitch, long tail a-dandle,
watches the stars, each bright as a candle.
Mewling spells to the moon, he fills us with fear.
So, remember, children, it's best you steer clear
of fast flying broomsticks once Halloween's here!
For IGWRT. One from my archives of two years ago. Time flies, as well as witches!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
The Eyes Have It
Once again, I have been seeing things, thanks to Tess at the Mag 140.
will search for faces
even when
the result produced is odd,
we are satisfied.
will probably try
to explain
why this is,
but do we need to know?
We can just enjoy!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Fourteen lines, and then some...
I never did like people with red hair;
at school, it was not long before I met
one so afflicted with this colourful
attribute, that she glowed like a candle,
burned the skin of any who came near,
with words of ridicule, or unkindness.
From that day, I catalogued the colour
as one to be avoided at all costs.
When I cried, my Mother would comfort me,
tell me to ignore the flying insults
or teasing words of Mary Pond. Her name
follows me to this day, while my Mother's
dark, auburn hair has long since dimmed and died
and all but faded from my memory.
Before my first baby was born, I prayed
“Please, let it be well – and not be ginger!”
I got my answer. She had long, black hair;
but in three days, it turned to bright copper...
Love laughed loud.“So much for old prejudice.”
IGWRT's challenge today got me writing. After fourteen lines, the flow of thought was interrupted, before I added another five. Now, I'm not sure whether I should have stopped at fourteen? Does it feel complete to you too, at that point? I wonder...
at school, it was not long before I met
one so afflicted with this colourful
attribute, that she glowed like a candle,
burned the skin of any who came near,
with words of ridicule, or unkindness.
From that day, I catalogued the colour
as one to be avoided at all costs.
When I cried, my Mother would comfort me,
tell me to ignore the flying insults
or teasing words of Mary Pond. Her name
follows me to this day, while my Mother's
dark, auburn hair has long since dimmed and died
and all but faded from my memory.
Before my first baby was born, I prayed
“Please, let it be well – and not be ginger!”
I got my answer. She had long, black hair;
but in three days, it turned to bright copper...
Love laughed loud.“So much for old prejudice.”
IGWRT's challenge today got me writing. After fourteen lines, the flow of thought was interrupted, before I added another five. Now, I'm not sure whether I should have stopped at fourteen? Does it feel complete to you too, at that point? I wonder...
Friday, October 5, 2012
Tantivy, Tantivy!
At the local meet,
pink coated riders gather,
scarlet blood-lust fuelled.
They talk of cross-country trails
and the best route to follow.
Horse and hounds move out,
a pack in pursuit of prey.
Horn sounds"Tally-ho!"
and the cavalcade sets off
in haphazard formation.
Frightened animal,
alert, outwits the hunter.
Tail remains intact
as the harrowing day ends
and fox has won the contest.
For today's IGWRT, thanks to Hannah, and Peter Trimming's Photo.
pink coated riders gather,
scarlet blood-lust fuelled.
They talk of cross-country trails
and the best route to follow.
Horse and hounds move out,
a pack in pursuit of prey.
Horn sounds"Tally-ho!"
and the cavalcade sets off
in haphazard formation.
Frightened animal,
alert, outwits the hunter.
Tail remains intact
as the harrowing day ends
and fox has won the contest.
For today's IGWRT, thanks to Hannah, and Peter Trimming's Photo.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
The Last Word
“I’ve not telephoned you for a long time –
this is a dreadful line –
can you hear me
clearly, Rosemary?”
“What’s that?
You’re not Rosemary? “
Where is she then?
Pardon my mirth - IGWRT wanted a 30 word drama , and I couldn't resist a little black humour. Sorry!
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